Interactive Online Skill Building
Do more than "learn about audio." "Build Skills" through live practice and experimentation.

Your Heart: Helping People Hear God

You want to use your God-given musical and technical skills to help people Hear God. [... more] Both through the spoken word and music.

Your Challenge: Difficult to Practice and Experiment

If you're like most volunteer audio techs, your only time to use your sound skills is one rehearsal and one or two services each week. [... more] As a volunteer audio tech, you probably find it challenging to Practice and Experiment, to "play with sound" to better understand how to best help people Hear God.

Your First Mix

You get a quick introduction to the SOVAT Mixer and lesson structure through the Your First Mix lesson

Our Heart: Helping You Help People Hear God

The Society Of Volunteer Audio Technicians was created to solve this challenge for volunteer audio techs. [... more] You can now Practice and Experiment any time, any place. Do more than "learn about audio." Build Skills through live practice and experimentation.

The Online SOVAT Mixer: Guided Experimentation

Another challenge we can face is knowing what to practice and how. [... more] The growing set of lessons and tools allow you to focus on a single aspect of a single skill, and experiment and practice.

Intro to the Audio Analyzer

After Your First Mix, get a 3-minute introduction to the Audio Analyzer and then check out the Audio Analyzer lesson

"Play with Sound" on SOVAT

No equipment, software, or music tracks needed. [... more] With SOVAT, use your browser (phone, laptop, tablet, desktop computer) to build your sound skills.

Start Mixing Now. No Cost.

Jump into mixing right now. No signup. No cost. [... more] Meet the SOVAT mixer right now in your browser. Start mixing a multi-track song. Explore other exercises. Experiment.

Free Resources

There are many resources at other sites. We want to help you find the information you need. Please visit our growing Resources Page. And use the chat box (lower-right) to tell us about your favorite podcasts, videos, and YouTube channels.

Please Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel

You've heard the plea a million times (or at least a hundred or two). It really does matter how many have subscribed. Once we hit 100, we can get a cool name for our channel instead of "UC3_jDWTL7QeTZ4PcNrPQKLw". I find that one a little hard to remember.

SOVAT YouTube channel

Please Pass The Word

Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when SOVAT tools and features are released. We promise not to give/sell your info to anyone else, and not to spam you. Each email includes an Unsubscribe link.

And please help SOVAT become more visible by subscribing to our YouTube channel. More subscribers adds legitimacy in the view of the Internet moguls.

Background image by Joel Chavarría on Unsplash