About The Society Of Volunteer Audio Technicians • SOVAT
The Heart Of SOVAT

"Can you run sound this Saturday?"

This was Rich Clingman's introduction to live mixing. Around 2010, his pastor called and asked, "Can you run sound for a memorial service this Saturday?"

Though a technical guy and a (poor) guitar player, Rich had no exposure to mixing. This was his introduction to the world of audio and trying to learn live mixing, and, over the years, a point of frustration as he tried to build skills in the areas he was learning about. After a while, he bought a digital mixer so he could practice multi-track mixing, EQ, etc. using free multi-track files.

The Society Of Volunteer Audio Technicians is a concept that Rich Clingman conceived in 2014 to help the new audio tech quickly build skills. In 2018, he began developing live Proofs-of-Concept for the web-based multi-track mixer and automation that would fulfill his dream. In July 2022, Rich was able to leave the corporate world for several months to focus on SOVAT.

The initial objective of SOVAT is to help The Emergency Fader Pusher. This is the term Rich coined while conceiving SOVAT. The concept is to provide tools for live hands-on experimentation and practice for the person who "got volunteered" to do sound, or has the desire to learn to mix a live church service or other event.

What the future holds: Gamification

By adding gamification, SOVAT will also allow users to earn badges and certifications on various skills and levels.

Bottom Line: Build Skills

The unique aspect of SOVAT is our web-based live multi-track mixer that encourages the audio tech to spend time "playing" with sound. Do more than 'learn about audio.' Build Skills through live practice and experimentation.

Some Proofs of Concept Videos

Our Unique Approach to Skill Building
Do more than 'learn about audio.' Build Skills through live practice and experimentation.
The unique tools of the Society Of Volunteer Audio Technicians help the audio technician Experiment and Practice to Build Skills.

There are plenty of YouTube videos for "learning about audio," and SOVAT will help you find some of those. What SOVAT brings in addition is the ability to practice and experiment to build skills.

We're currently working on making lessons publicly available. We expect to have the first in early September 2022.

Please check out these videos to understand SOVAT's unique approach to building skills in audio technology. And please sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when SOVAT tools are released. We promise not to give/sell your info to anyone else, and not to spam you.

(4 videos)

Please Pass The Word

Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when SOVAT tools and features are released. We promise not to give/sell your info to anyone else, and not to spam you. Each email includes an Unsubscribe link.

And please help SOVAT become more visible by subscribing to our YouTube channel. More subscribers adds legitimacy in the view of the Internet moguls.

Background image by Joel Chavarría on Unsplash