Chris Eslinger's goal is "to help equip churches with the tools and skills to Create Quality Experiences that help People Engage with Jesus." Chris has a Blog and Podcast, and offers A Complimentary Consulting Session
Articles (20)
What Vocal Microphone Should we get? by Chris Eslinger
It can feel very overwhelming when trying to select a vocal mic. Not only
are there many brands that people will recommend but there are also many
choices within each brand. While I’m not going to answer the question
directly “what mic should you get?”, we will look at several factors that
should help you make the best choice for your context.
“I Can’t Hear Anything” 5 ways to improve your monitor mix. by Chris Eslinger
When it comes to mixing monitors especially in ears it seems like it’s a
constant battle and there can be a lot of frustration. For a variety of
reasons, many houses of worship have gone with a system that requires the
musicians to mix their own monitors in one way or another. The problem is
that the musicians get to a point of either pulling out an ear or just
“accepting” the lie that they won’t ever be able to hear what they
want/need. In this post, I’m going to give you 5 ways to improve your
Monitor experience.
Getting Started with Multi-Camera Video by Chris Eslinger
It’s pretty obvious to most people that multi camera video has the
potential to create the most engaging online experience. The challenge
often boils down to where should you even start? My goal in this post is
not to suggest specific equipment, but help you think through the functions
you need so you can make the best choices on the tools to help get you
where you want to go.
Electric VS Acoustic Drums by Chris Eslinger
Drums can be a very polarizing topic especially when it comes to electric
VS acoustic drums. Ask the average drummer and they will tell you that
acoustic drums are the only way to go because of feel and playability. The
average sound guy will advocate for electric drums because of constancy and
controllability. the average pastor will attempt a compromise by looking
into at least a drum shield if not a full enclosure. While they all have
very valid points, theres not a single right solution for every occasion.
Managing Tension by Chris Eslinger
Over the past several years I’ve begun seeing this pattern in my
organizations and interactions where visionaries and processors end up at
odds with one another exactly how Les describes it in his books. While this
doesn’t surprise me, I have begun asking the question “why?”. Why is it
that visionaries think processors are trying to get in the way and slow
them down, and why is it that processors think visionaries are loose
cannons who can’t plan ahead?
Is Waves worth it? by Chris Eslinger
I’ve had several conversations over the past few months where a worship
pastor was dead set on getting a Waves rig for their live experience. Many
of the reasons given have been things like “It will make us sound better”
or “Elevation (or some other big church) uses it and we want to sound like
Balancing the E’s of decision making by Chris Eslinger
For most of us, it seems like there is a constant struggle when it comes to
how to make an idea reality.
Keep It Simple (Stupid) by Chris Eslinger
Complexity is the mother of frustration. Technical minds don’t often worry
about how complicated their system is, all that matters is what it can do
and the process of manipulating it into doing those things. But what
happens when they have to show someone else how it works? Or even worse
what happens when someone else has to figure it out on their own?
“It’s Too Loud” by Chris Eslinger
Many Churches have begun reopening and getting back to live services.
People no longer have a personal volume control which will inevitably lead
back into volume complaints. While there is no sure-fire way to eliminate
them, there are some factors that may be contributing to the comfort level
of your audience. Most importantly, there are probably some things you can
do about it that don’t involve earplugs.
3 Ways to Recruit Tech Volunteers by Chris Eslinger
No matter what size church, it always seems like there aren't enough tech
(or any other) volunteers. Often it feels like no one can take a weekend
off or everything will crash and burn.
Creating Quality Experiences by Chris Eslinger
This is my “why”, its the driving vision behind what I do. Historically the
Church was the primary driving force behind art. The Church is where the
best artists, musicians, and craftsman spent their lives creating beauty
and telling the story of Jesus. Unfortunately in some cases the opposite is
true today, The church has become the place where “we get by” because the
people involved “have a good heart”.
The Art of Video Switching by Chris Eslinger
Anytime you have more than one shot to work with it instantly begs the
question ”how often should I switch between camera angles?. Its a good
question but its also the final question in the “why” of video. In both
live and prerecorded video, we should have one goal, to tell the story
(deliver the message) as clearly as possible.
Is Digital Really Better? by Chris Eslinger
Many people (especially in certain Facebook groups) buy into the lie that
“you have to have a digital board to get a good sound”. That somehow having
a digital board will instantly upgrade the quality of the listening
How To Get Started With Online Video/Streaming by Chris Eslinger
During this time many churches have been forced into doing church online.
We've all had to figure out not only how to put out quality content, but do
it week after week. Some have chosen to live stream on Sunday morning,
others have decided to pre-record the service. As the current reality sets
in, more and more are now asking ”where do we start with this online
3 Ways to Make Your Videos Look Better (Lighting) by Chris Eslinger
If there is a secret to marking your video look better on any camera, it’s
lighting. Good lighting will help your camera to capture the best possible
image and allow your subject to look dynamic and real. Bad lighting will
cause even the best cameras to look bad and distract the viewer from the
message your trying to get across.
3 Reasons it’s Hard to Get a Great Online Mix (and How to Fix). by Chris Eslinger
Why is getting the online mix so much harder than making it sound ok in the
room? We’ve all had a Sunday where we felt really good about what happened
in the room then gone back later Sunday afternoon and listened to the live
stream that was recorded on Facebook and thought “I know it sounded better
than that in the room, what happened?”.
Is 4K Video Worth it for Churches? by Chris Eslinger
The more consistent your video feed the better experience your viewers will
The Value of the Basics. by Chris Eslinger
Ultimately the basics makeup the foundation of what we do and without
getting it right at the foundational level, the building will crumble.
Why Don’t We Sound Like the Record? by Chris Eslinger
To understand this we have to dig into the differences between live sound
and the studio world. It’s easy to think about the two as being completely
different. In many ways they are, but part of the reason we get such
seemingly different results is because we approach them so differently.
Podcasts/Articles (13)
The Church Tech & Leadership podcast is designed to help equip church technical leaders and artists to create quality experiences that help people engage with Jesus.
Episode 13 Art & Science
This time the guys talk about focusing on both sides of the experience
This time the guys talk about focusing on both sides of the experience
Episode 12 Maintenance
This time the guys talk about the importance of maintaining your systems
This time the guys talk about the importance of maintaining your systems
Episode 11 Evaluation
This time the guys talk about the importance of evaluation and how to do it well.
This time the guys talk about the importance of evaluation and how to do it well.
Episode 9 You have to know it.
The guys talk about preparing for an event
The guys talk about preparing for an event
Episode 8 Easter 2021 Recap
The guys discus how easter went this year
Episode 7 - Who do You think you are?
Today the guys talk about the value of personality profiles
Today the guys talk about the value of personality profiles
Leading Through Change
Today the guys discuss strategies for leading through change and influencing change when you're not in charge.
Episode 5 “Does The Spending Ever Stop?”
Many of us have been asked some varitaion of this question by the financial people at our church. There is a good Answer
Many of us have been asked some varitaion of this question by the financial people at our church. There is a good Answer
Episode 4 Multi-Operator Streaming
Do You Need Seperate Feeds?
This time, the guys discuss different ways to supply your live stream content.
Episode 3 | I’m a New TD, Where Do I Start?
Today, the guys discuss some tools and strategies for starting your first job as a church Technical director or for when you go to a new church.
Episode 2 | Production and IT
Episode 2 | Production and IT
Today the guys talk about the importance of understanding IT in the production world and some best practices.
Episode 1 | The Operator Matters
The Operator Matters
It may seem like common sense, but the people behind the equipment are a way bigger piece of the puzzle than the equipemt theyre asked to run. Today the guys discuss some of the implications of this.