
Let us know your favorite go-to sites and blogs

What are your go-to sites for Audio and Live Mixing? Please use the Chat Widget (bottom-right) and leave us a message. It's best if the site has an RSS Feed. That way we automagically pull in their articles and podcasts.


Behind The Mixer is a long-running podcast for audio techs by Chris Huff, a church-based sound engineer.


BTM provides free and paid resources such as


Chris Eslinger's goal is "to help equip churches with the tools and skills to Create Quality Experiences that help People Engage with Jesus." Chris has a Blog and Podcast, and offers A Complimentary Consulting Session


Church Production includes resources to help merge "Church Tech Arts and the Great Commission." Your no-cost membership provides access to their newsletters and more. They also have A Paid Membership Option that includes more benefits.


Dana Tucker has been an audio professional for 45+ years. He is also the admin on the Facebook X32 Rack Users Group which includes several guides on X32 operations.


Dana's site provides free and paid resources such as

Sells Equipment and Services for the Portable Church

Portable Church Industries sells equipment and services for the portable church including Kit Solutions for quick setup.

Doing Church in a Rented Facility can be a Challenge.

With the right pieces in place (tech, signage, kids areas... ),


Graham Cochrane is the founder of The Recording Revolution. While it is focused on recording, many concepts are the same for live sound, including mic selection, eq, compression, and mixing. The site includes many articles and podcasts, plus paid training.


SoundGirls.Org was formed in 2013 by veteran live sound engineers Karrie Keyes and Michelle Sabolchick Pettinato and operates under the Fiscal Sponsorship of The California Women’s Music Festival, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Background image by Joel Chavarría on Unsplash